The Dental Implant Treatment Process
Examination and Planning: In the initial stage, the dentist evaluates the condition of the missing tooth and creates a treatment plan. The condition of the jawbone and the suitability of the dental implant are examined during this phase.
Surgical Implant Procedure: The implant is placed in the jawbone under local anesthesia. The procedure is typically painless. It may take several months for the implant to fuse with the jawbone.
Temporary Restoration: While waiting for the implant to integrate, a temporary dental restoration can be placed.
Permanent Dental Crown: When the implant has successfully fused with the jawbone, a permanent porcelain dental crown is attached.
Maintenance and Check-ups: Dental implants, like natural teeth, require regular maintenance and check-ups. Your dentist will monitor the health of the implants and gums."
Healing Period
This stage is the period during which you wait for the implant to fuse with the jawbone. The duration of this process may vary depending on each patient's healing rate and the health of the jawbone but typically takes several months.
Application of Temporary and Permanent Restorations
Once healing is complete, a temporary restoration or prosthesis can be placed. This temporary prosthesis is used to shape the gum tissue around the implant and regain chewing function. Later, a permanent porcelain restoration or prosthesis is attached.
Maintenance and Check-ups
The long-term success of dental implants is achieved through regular maintenance and check-ups. Your dentist will monitor the health of the implants and the surrounding gum tissue, make adjustments as necessary, and provide you with care instructions.
Dental implants are a reliable and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. However, every patient is unique, and the treatment plan should be personalized. Your dentist is the best source for determining the most suitable treatment for you. Remember that dental implants can be a significant step towards a healthy smile and oral health."